In 1997, Warner Lambert decided to take action against increasing drug and alcohol abuse among adolescents. Simply put, the numbers were alarming and the rate of abuse rising. Data indicated that parental involvement was a major factor in determining whether or not children turn to drugs, and Warner Lambert believed that starting a dialogue at the kitchen table would make all the difference in the world.
Many Warner Lambert employees, who Warner Lambert refers to as colleagues, are parents and the Company felt that these parents would want to be aware of the alarming statistics and would want to learn what could be done to combat drug abuse trends. Warner Lambert firmly believed that it could do something proactively to help solve this dangerous problem.
Working in collaboration with ACDE, National Families in Action, and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Warner Lambert developed and then provided to all U.S.-based colleagues a folder of resource and reference material to help individuals talk to children about the dangers of drugs.
The program was called Stop the Silence. Materials included in the kit provided guidance on how to broach the subject with children. It also provided advice on how to maintain communication, and suggestions on how and when to address the issue. Finally, it provided all employees with information about national, local, and company-sponsored resources for help.
Recognizing the difficulty of raising the issue of drug use with employees, and the issue of potential drug use by their children in particular, the Stop the Silence kit was sent directly to all U.S.-based colleagues at home, rather than in the workplace.
Stop the Silence has been a tremendous success for Warner Lambert. The company has experienced a noticeable increase in calls to their confidential Colleague Assistance Program. In 1997, the percentage of CAP contacts that presented a problem of substance abuse rose dramatically from 2 percent to 37 percent. In addition, there were numerous requests for additional copies of the kit for distribution to community groups.
To learn more about Warner Lambert, visit their site at www.warnerlambert.com.