How ACDE can support workplace drug prevention programs


letstalk.JPG (29915 bytes) The Let’s Talk program is designed to help employers educate parents about how to deal knowledgeably and thoughtfully with the prospect, and the reality, of drug abuse in their homes.  Let’s Talk can be customized to meet the needs of any employer.  Available materials include hard-hitting scientific brochures, helpful parent-focused communication guides, educational videos, and valuable resources where parents can turn for more information and assistance. 

  • The official Let’s Talk parents guide — a 32-page booklet that offers practical advice on how parents can engage their children in age-appropriate communication about substance abuse.

  • offers a national database of treatment programs, self-help groups, hotline numbers, and covers information about substance abuse, intervention, and recovery.

  • The Drug Awareness Series — eleven factual brochures details the latest information on drugs of abuse and related topics.  The brochures cover: marijuana; heroin and other narcotics; cocaine and crack; inhalants; methamphetamine; tobacco; alcohol; LSD, PCP and other Hallucinogens; Drugs and Pregnancy; Alcohol, Drugs and the Workplace; and Talking to Your Child About Marijuana.

  • Faces of Addiction — thirty-minute video compilation created from the three-part 1997 HBO Faces of Addiction program is available from ACDE.  To accompany the video, ACDE and HBO produced a Guide for Parents Concerned About Substance Abuse, that gives parents useful communication tips.

  • EDUCATE — this informative video for parents delivers important information about inhalant abuse.  Called “sniffing” or “huffing” by many young people, the intentional abuse of household products to get high is poses a particular threat to very young children, for it is most often a first drug of abuse.

These items and other ACDE products can be used as part of a family-friendly Let’s Talk campaign to help working parents raise healthy, drug-free young people.  If your organization is interested in starting a Let’s Talk program, email [email protected] or call 800-488-DRUG.