Drug prevention lesson plan for early elementary grades, people to trust

k3icon.gif (3524 bytes) People We Trust

To identify the appropriate persons from whom a child can safely take medicine.

It is not enough for children in the early years to know the difference between medicines and harmful drugs. They must also be aware that there are persons from whom they should take a medicine and others from whom they should not. Children rely on adults to give them medicine when they are ill. Only a few known, trusted persons should give medicines to the children. Children should not receive medication from strangers, peers, or adults other than a parent (or caretaker), physician, or nurse, except with the written permission of a parent or guardian. Learning this rule for taking medications will help children understand that they must not accept any kind of medicine offered by anyone but authorized adults.


Have students suggest a list of possible persons who might give them medicine (examples: mother, brother, doctor, caregiver, neighbor, stranger). Write these names on the chalkboard. Discuss, name by name, whether the person is one from whom the child should take a medicine.

Discuss why some people would be inappropriate, cross out the names of persons from whom students should not take drugs. Tape the cut-out smiling faces (see PDF worksheet file), next to the names of people from whom they can take a medicine.

Smiling faces (see PDF worksheet file); chalkboard.

Teacher tips

This activity will require you guide students. The original list of people who things to children persons from should not take drugs. YOU may have to explain why some of the people on the list are not good persons to ad�minister medication.

Caution students that there are some people strangers in particular from whom they should never accept any medicines, candy, or other consumable substances without their parents’ or guardians’ permission.  This, rule will help students understand that they must take medicine only from credible adults who are concerned about their well being.

Download Activity Worksheet

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Learning to Live Drug-Free, A Curriculum Model for Prevention, U.S. Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program