Be an active participant in fighting drug abuse by joining the American Council for Drug Education. ACDE needs the support of individuals who care about their communities, schools and the health and well-being of present and future generations. Your support will enable ACDE to continue its education and prevention activities. Your donation will allow ACDE to continue to produce high-quality, science-based materials and launch projects like these new initiatives:
Facts on Tap: Specifically addressing binge drinking and the impact of parental substance abuse on students, ACDE partners with the Children of Alcoholics Foundation in this effort. The initiative includes dissemination of college-targeted awareness materials about alcohol and drug abuse and the promotion of the 800-DRUGHELP hotline as a resource for troubled students.
Let’s Talk: This helpful manual for parents and other caregivers gives practical advice on communicating with children about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The manual will also serve as the basis for community programs and workplace education initiatives.
To partner with ACDE in support of programs like these, you may choose any of the following:
Mail: Please send checks to ACDE, 164 W. 74th Street, New York, NY 10023. ( Make checks payable to American Council for Drug Education.)
Combined Federal Campaign: Federal employees can donate to ACDE through the combined federal campaign. Our four-digit charitable identification number is 2940.
Memorials: ACDE is honored to receive gifts in memory of friends, colleagues and loved ones who have passed away.